E-book: Komunikacja alkoholu bez tabu

  • Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • E-book: Komunikacja alkoholu bez tabu

    Oddajemy w Wasze ręce naszą najnowszą publikację “Komunikacja alkoholu bez tabu”, która wnikliwie analizuje wyzwania i możliwości związane z promocją napojów alkoholowych w Polsce. W e-booku poruszamy kluczowe aspekty prawne, prezentujemy aktualne trendy konsumenckie oraz dzielimy się unikalnymi insightami, które pomogą w skutecznej i odpowiedzialnej komunikacji marek alkoholowych.

    Wśród autorów znaleźli się doświadczeni eksperci z branży, którzy dzielą się swoją wiedzą i praktycznymi wskazówkami. Mamy nadzieję, że nasz e-book stanie się dla Was cennym źródłem informacji i inspiracji w codziennej pracy. Zapraszamy do lektury i odkrywania nowych perspektyw w komunikacji alkoholu bez tabu!

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Poznaj bliżej twórców publikacji!

    Zespół agencji kreatywnej Od kuchni, stojący za projektem Food and Design lubi stawiać sobie wysoko poprzeczkę. Tak stało się także w przypadku tego e-booka. Na co dzień pracujemy z firmami z sektora spożywczego, FMCG oraz HoReCa i staramy się być na bieżąco w temacie najnowszych trendów. Bez stałej edukacji i poszerzania horyzontów nie będziemy się rozwijać. W imieniu całego zespołu Food and Design nie pozostaje nam nic innego, jak zaprosić Was do lektury! 


    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Dla kogo jest ta publikacja?

    Przedstawicieli firm związanych głównie z sektorem alkoholowym, specjalistów, kadry menadżerskiej, właścicieli firm, marketingowców, freelancerów oraz agencji, dziennikarzy oraz PR-owców.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • A w środku publikacji między innymi…

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    1. 1

      Przepisy prawne i regulacje

      dr Patryk Kalinowski, Prawnik, Centrum Prawa Żywnościowego FOOD LAW

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    2. 2

      Fenomen alkoholu bez alkoholu

      Piotr Zimolzak, Wiceprezes i współzałożyciel agencji badawczej SW RESEARCH

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    3. 3

      Komunikacja alkoholu w Polsce

      Patrycja Sikorska, PR & Strategic Marketing Manager, TiM S.A

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    4. 4

      Zachować smak i umiar

      Małgorzata Baran, Redaktorka naczelna portalu PRoto.pl

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    5. 5

      Sprzedaż napojów alkoholowych online

      Emilia Rabenda, Prezes Zarządu, Związek Pracodawców Polski Przemysł Spirytusowy

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    6. 6

      Rynek browarów rzemieślniczych

      Natalia Mioduszewska, Doradca i konsultant dla HoReCa, Trzech Kumpli Brewery

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    7. 7

      Napoje bezalkoholowe

      Marcin Dyrda, Ekspert i Praktyk gastronomii, GastroWiedza.pl

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".


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