Jak rozwinąć e-commerce w branży food? E-commerce dla marki, nie dla produktów

  • Chcesz rozwinąć e-commerce w branży food? Wszyscy mówią, że w foodowym e-commerce jest duży potencjał, ale nie wiesz, jak go wykorzystać? Zależy Ci na skutecznym marketingu internetowym dla Twojej marki? Weź udział w szkoleniu i poznaj techniki, które odmienią prowadzenie Twojego biznesu!

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Image 1

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Dla kogo jest to szkolenie?

    • rozwijasz swój biznes w branży food
    • interesuje Cię sprzedaż internetowa, ale nie wiesz, od czego zacząć
    • pracujesz w marketingu foodowym
    • chcesz się przebranżowić w kierunku e-commerce
    • chcesz rozwinąć sklep internetowy swojej marki
    • posiadasz lub planujesz mieć w przyszłości swój sklep internetowy


    Pojęcia, które m.in. poznasz: marketing (prawdziwy), strategia (i jej oblicza), H2H, MVP, CPA, ROAS, AOV, współczynnik konwersji, retencja, współczynnik odrzuceń, „elastyczność wymagająca elastyczności” i „zasypywanie dziur pieniędzmi.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Ważne informacje:

    Szkolenie rozpoczyna się o godz. 10:00 i trwa ok. 6 godzin. W trakcie szkolenia odbędzie się przerwa kawowa oraz dłuższa przerwa lunchowa. Możesz zabrać ze sobą obiad lub skorzystać z naszych rekomendacji dot. okolicznej oferty lunchowej. Na miejscu czekać będzie na Ciebie notes, długopis oraz dostęp do kawy, herbaty i wody.

    Co przynieść? Listę pytań do prowadzącego, które od dawna Cię nurtują w kontekście działań w e-commerce. 

    Każdy uczestnik otrzyma dyplom potwierdzający udział w szkoleniu.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Plan szkolenia:

    • Wprowadzenie do tematu e-commerce w branży food.
    • Zapomnij o wadach, pamiętaj o zaletach. Wszystko, o czym należy pamiętać, prowadząc e-commerce w branży food.
    • Wiedz, co sprzedajesz, zanim to sprzedasz. Jak stworzyć dobrze prosperujących sklep od podstaw?
    • Sprzedajesz produkty czy markę? Rola marketingu w prowadzeniu e-commerce.
    • Czy istnieje „jeden tajny sposób”? Sprawdzone triki na zwiększenie sprzedaży.
    • Jak planować i mierzyć działania tak, by nie stać się niewolnikiem danych?
    • Jakich błędów nie popełniać w branży e-commerce?
    • Seria pytań i odpowiedzi.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

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    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Data i miejsce:

    Szkolenie odbędzie się 9 listopada 2023w formie stacjonarnej w Studio Co nieco przy ul. Grochowskiej 278/303 w Warszawie, choć istnieje również możliwość wykupienia szkolenia w formie online. 

    Nie musisz nic konkretnego brać ze sobą – na miejscu (w przypadku udziału stacjonarnego) czekać będzie na Ciebie notes, długopis oraz dostęp do kawy, herbaty i wody.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Formuła:

    Szkolenie odbędzie się w formie stacjonarnej, lecz istnieje również możliwość wykupienia szkolenia w formie online. Uczestnicy biorący udział w szkoleniu zdalnie, również będą mogli aktywnie brać udział w dyskusjach. Szkolenie będzie miało formę hybrydową, interaktywną.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Image 3

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Zdjęcie prowadzącego

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Prowadzący:

    Mateusz Tryjanowski, Head of Marketing & E-commerce.

    Robi marketing, strategię i ikomersy. Od zawsze robi to, co lubi, przekuwając hobby w pracę – bo to czuje najlepiej! Zaczynał w „ciuszkach” (eleganckich), 4 lata spędził w kawie (speciality), a dziś łączy to wszystko w całość i pracuje z różnymi markami (najchętniej niszowymi), dzieląc się z nimi wiedzą zdobytą w praktyce.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

Available Options

9 listopada 2023Stacjonarne499,00  + 23% VAT
9 listopada 2023Online499,00  + 23% VAT