Kalendarz Marketera Foodiesa 2025

  • Grafika
    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Zaplanuj swoje kampanie jak prawdziwy master chef marketingu! 

    „Kalendarz Marketera Foodiesa 2025” to bezpłatna publikacja stworzona z myślą o markach związanych z jedzeniem, które chcą wyróżnić się w świecie pełnym inspiracji i smaków. Ten praktyczny przewodnik pomoże Ci zaplanować działania marketingowe na cały rok, dostosowane do najważniejszych wydarzeń i trendów. 


    Nasz bezpłatny kalendarz to nie tylko daty i święta – to pełne smaku inspiracje, które sprawią, że Twoja marka będzie przyciągać klientów przez cały rok. Co znajdziesz w środku?

    ✅ Święta i dni o których warto pamiętać przy planowaniu komunikacji

    ✅ Pomysły na kreatywne posty i kampanie

    ✅ Wskazówki, jak wykorzystać trendy 2025


    Ten e-book to Twoje wsparcie w tworzeniu efektywnych i angażujących kampanii. Pomoże Ci wykorzystać pełen potencjał Twojej marki, niezależnie od tego, czy działasz w social media, e-commerce, czy marketingu offline.

    Pobierz za darmo i rozpocznij smakowitą podróż po marketingowych inspiracjach na 2025 rok!

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Dla kogo jest ten kalendarz?

    Dla marketerów, właścicieli restauracji, producentów spożywczych, agencji kreatywnych i wszystkich, którzy pracują z markami związanymi bezpośrednio lub pośrednio z sektorem food.

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Poznaj bliżej twórców publikacji!

    Zespół agencji kreatywnej Od kuchni, stojący za projektem Food and Design lubi kreatywne wyzwania! Na co dzień pracujemy z firmami z sektora spożywczego, FMCG oraz HoReCa i staramy się być na bieżąco w temacie najnowszych trendów. Nie lubimy także działać bez jasno sprecyzowanego planu, stąd pomysł na podzielenie się z Wami naszym kalendarzem. Mamy nadzieję, że przypadnie Wam do gustu!


    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".


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