E-book: Trendy 2024 w sektorze HoReCa

  • Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • E-book: Trendy 2024 w sektorze HoReCa

    Oddajemy w wasze ręce najnowszą publikację poświęconą tematyce zmian na rynku HoReCa, których świadkami będziemy w kolejnych miesiącach!

    Znajdziesz w niej między innymi kwestie związane ze zmianami prawnych, trendami w ofercie gastronomicznej i marketingu, nowinkami technologicznymi, strategią ograniczania odpadów czy wyzwaniami, które każdego dnia dzielnie należy pokonywać. 

    Wśród autorów tekstów znajdziesz m.in.: Agnieszkę Tokarz (Dietitian & Food Trend Manager, NTFY), Marcina Dyrdę (CEO, Gastrowiedza), Beatę Niewiadomską (Właścicielka, Biuro Biznesu), Karolinę Prędotę-Krystek (Head of Food and Beverage, ECHO Investment), Annę Smolec (Redaktor naczelna, Magazyn Restauracja), Aleksandrę Dojnikowską (Restauratorka), Łukasza Głowackiego (Head Sommelier, Restauracja MUGA), Antoine Azais (Restaurant Director), Aleksandrę Samociuk (Communication Manager, Maczfit), Magdę Malutko (CEO & Owner agencja kreatywna Od kuchni), Magdalenę Sołśnię (Senior Social Media Specialist, agencja kreatywna Od kuchni), Natalię Juszczak (Marketing & PR Specialist, agencja kreatywna Od kuchni), Justynę Kujdę (Specjalistka ds. Marketingu, GoPOS), Martę Pawlusińską (Customer Care Specialist, Foodsi), Szymona Urbana (Content Marketing Specialist, Foodsi), Mateusza Ossowskiego (CEE Channel Manager, Barracuda), Martę Wysocką (Head of Relations and Logistics, Restaurant Club), dr. hab. Beatę Bilską (SGGW), dr. hab. Marzenę Tomaszewską (SGGW), Marcina Misiaszka (właściciel, Marcin Misiaszek Kancelaria Adwokacka).

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Poznaj bliżej twórców publikacji!

    Zespół agencji kreatywnej Od kuchni, stojący za projektem Food and Design lubi stawiać sobie wysoko poprzeczkę. Tak stało się także w przypadku tego e-booka. Na co dzień pracujemy z firmami z sektora HoReCa i staramy się być na bieżąco w temacie najnowszych trendów. Bez stałej edukacji i poszerzania horyzontów nie będziemy się rozwijać. W imieniu całego zespołu Food and Design nie pozostaje mi nic innego, jak zaprosić Was do lektury! 

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • Dla kogo jest ta publikacja?

    Przedstawicieli firm związanych głównie z sektorem HoReCa, specjalistów, kadry menadżerskiej, właścicieli firm, marketingowców, freelancerów oraz agencji, dziennikarzy oraz PR-owców, a także osób zainteresowanych branżą HoReCa.



    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

  • A w środku publikacji między innymi…

    Magda Malutko

    Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    1. 1

      Trendy w sektorze HoReCa 2024

      Agnieszka Tokarz, Dietitian & Food Trend Manager, NTFY

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    2. 2

      Wyzwania w gastronomii w roku 2024 - jak skutecznie zapanować nad budżetem i zbudować silny zespół?

      Marcin Dyrda, CEO, Gastrowiedza

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    3. 3

      Koncepcje pop-up i współprace z innymi markami jako forma zaskoczenia dla gości

      Aleksandra Dojnikowska, Restauratorka: BAKEN, Bułkę przez Bibułkę, POLLYPIZZA NEOpolitan

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    4. 4

      Marketing. Jak robić go skutecznie i nie zwariować? I czy warto działać w pojedynkę?

      Magda Malutko, CEO & co-owner, Agencja kreatywna Od kuchni

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

    5. 5

      Cyberbezpieczeństwo w branży HoReCa

      Mateusz Ossowski, CEE Channel Manager, Barracuda

      Magda Malutko

      Creator of the Food and Design project and owner of a production studio and creative agency Od kuchni, specializing in communication of brands from the food & lifestyle sector. She has been involved with marketing in the HoReCa and FMCG industries for more than 10 years. She worked among others in an agency serving a major brand from the FMCG sector, in a culinary magazine, and also – as a marketing manager – was responsible for the communication of three major gastronomic festivals in Poland. In addition to extensive professional experience, she also has a unique specialized education. She is a graduate of two areas of study: journalism with a specialty in "promotion and advertising" and design with a specialty in "food design".

29,00  + 23% VAT

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